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 P. W. Cross
Author biography for publicity and press usage

Biography of P. W. Cross

author of the Idea Miners trilogy


​I have been writing books and programming computers for many years. My prior books include The Computer Revolution Survival Guide—or Martha Cuts Loose and The Idea Miners: The Lost Lake Dig.


​The Lost Lake Dig is the first in The Idea Miners trilogy. My latest book, The Twisted Tree Dig, is the second. The final book, The One, will be released in the near future.


I work to infuse my writing with knowledge gained from a broad background of experiences. As a computer developer, I’ve written software supporting transportation, communications, space exploration (NASA), energy distribution (gas & electric), natural resources (water), national security and defense, and outdoor and environmental concerns. Touching so many fields has instilled in me an excitement and passion for the future’s potential. I bring that passion to my writing, with an underlying focus of planting positive seeds in the minds of young readers.


Writing youth-based fantasy that captures the readers imagination, while weaving in excitement about the power and uniquely-human gift of ideas, is my goal in The Idea Miners trilogy. The last line of The Lost Lake Dig mirrors this clearly: Ideas define us, our past, our present, and most importantly, our future.


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